Recommended Environmental Actions for Governor Murphy

Update the Energy Master Plan to achieve 100% clean energy by 2035. 

Completely fill appointment vacancies on both the Pinelands Commission and Highlands Council. This will ensure the continued environmental protection of two of the state’s most ecologically important areas.

Take action to strengthen the state’s clean energy policies by ending diversions from the Clean Energy Fund, which is still being raided at $83.5 million in his 2024 proposed budget. Our state budget shouldn’t be balanced on the backs of clean energy projects that reduce emissions and create jobs. We need to end regular raids on these dedicated funds. 

Continue to move forward with the promise of NJ PACT (Protecting Against Climate Threats) and release the overdue regulatory proposals, which will help protect communities from flooding and other climate change impacts.

Enable towns to enact stronger stormwater protections to address flooding and improve water quality by amending the state’s Residential Site Improvement Standards.

Ensure communities have accessible and modern public transit by establishing a dedicated funding source for NJ Transit. NJ Transit is critical to our state’s economic competitiveness and our plans to curb traffic and reduce carbon pollution. We need to give NJ Transit the fiscal security it needs to plan for the long term by establishing a dedicated funding source for the agency that meets New Jersey’s needs. 

Dedicate an additional $700 million of the remaining of the American Rescue Plan funds for clean water and healthy homes to remove lead pipes and lead paint in homes, fix sewer overflows, make communities more resilient to flooding, reduce nonpoint source pollution, improve lake water quality, and provide technical assistance so that every rural and urban community can access these funds.

Oppose the Williams-Transco pipeline proposal to build and expand dirty, dangerous fracked gas compressor stations in West Deptford and Branchburg as part of Transco’s Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project.

Increase funding for state parks operations and maintenance and set New Jersey on a path to end the maintenance backlog by 2030.

Upgrade Surface Water Quality Standards. Release another round of Surface Water Quality Standards upgrades for rivers, streams, and lakes. Include National Wild and Scenic Rivers and National Water Trails as Outstanding National Resource Waters, recognize trout stocking areas and conservation areas as Category One, and establish Highlands waters anti-degradation standards.

Stop the loss of headwater streams and restore cumulative Impact assessments to water quality planning. Reverse the Christi-era rollbacks to water quality regulations, including Freshwater Wetlands, Water Quality Management Plans, and Stormwater and Flood Hazard Area Control Act rules. Throughout the state, development projects, including warehouses, threaten surface and groundwater quality and increase the risk of flooding – projects that could never be approved but for these rollbacks.
Restore the Authorities of the State Planning Commission to properly cite high-intensity land uses, including warehouses, and encourage sustainable development approaches to meet NJ’s affordable housing needs. 
Ensure the State Revolving Fund includes all EPA-allowed project types for grant funding for pilot projects and decentralized wastewater systems, and expand funding for Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction grants.
Advise the Department of Transportation to make creating the state freight plan a more public and transparent process.