Contact: Anthony Campisi
(732) 266-8221
New Jersey LCV supports BPU approval of grant funding for electric school buses
TRENTON - The following is a statement from Ed Potosnak, Executive Director of New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, supporting the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities second-year funding of the electric school bus program, which will provide grant funding of $45 million over three years.
“We applaud the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) for approving second-year funding for the electric school bus grants program. New Jersey continues to have some of the most polluted air in the nation, and it affects the most vulnerable among us – including our children breathing dirty diesel exhaust fumes going to and from school. Transportation is the number one contributor to climate pollution. Pollution from cars, trucks, and buses running on dirty oil and gas makes people sick with diseases like asthma, cancer, and heart disease. For the health of our children we need every school bus to be zero pollution as soon as possible and the Board’s support of electric vehicle school buses in this second round New Jersey LCV championed is an important step.” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “It should not be lost, the recent vote by the New Jersey Assembly Transportation Committee to delay implementation of the Advanced Clean Truck rule was a big mistake. The delay in implementation of ACT would impact all New Jerseyans with more dirty truck pollution – but it would especially keep the most vulnerable communities, including low-income and communities of color who bear the brunt of our pollution. We simply cannot afford to wait to clean up our air from dirty diesel trucks and buses.”