New Jersey LCV calls for a move toward renewable energy to lower N.J. electricity bills

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                                 New Jersey LCV calls for a move toward renewable energy to lower N.J. electricity bills

New Jersey LCV Executive Director Ed Potosnak has released the following statement in response to a hearing today hosted by Congressman Jeff Van Drew titled "An Examination into Surging Power Bills in South Jersey." 

“As long as we continue to rely on dirty fossil fuels to power our grid, New Jersey residents will have to keep paying the price. Even as global conflict drives up the cost of natural gas, hotter days mean we are using more power. Instead of putting a Band-aid on the problem, we need to address the root causes and bring clean, renewable power online as quickly as possible - not only to mitigate climate change, but to keep energy affordable for New Jersey’s working families. Clean energy like solar is cheaper than oil or gas for electricity” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV.