New Jersey LCV Responds to Impacts from Flooding in New Jersey and Offers Long-Term Solution

Contact: Michelle Peal
O: (908) 313-4178 
C: (732) 991-7574


New Jersey LCV Responds to Impacts from Flooding in New Jersey and Offers Long-Term Solution

TRENTON – The following is a statement from Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV regarding the impact of disruptive flooding throughout the Garden State as a result of more frequent, intense storms from climate change. This flooding routinely causes damage to homes, businesses, and our waterways.

Ed Potosnak is available for interviews. Contact Michelle Peal, Communications Direction, at (908) 313-4178 or

“Frequent flooding from severe storms is causing millions of dollars in property damage, snarling traffic, threatening drinking water, and endangering lives, and the problem is only getting worse because of climate change. We need long-term, stormwater solutions to address flooding in our municipalities to defend families and businesses from flooding which will require money. Stormwater utilities, which equitably assess fees based on contributions to stormwater pollution, are a long-term solution to fund and build much needed infrastructure to help mitigate flooding,”  said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “A proven program, like a stormwater utility, would help control flooding, reduce disruptions and property damage, and reduce pollution by helping communities construct proven on-the-ground projects to capture polluted runoff and repair failing infrastructure.”

The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters is a non-partisan organization whose mission is to elect environmental champions, hold public officials accountable, and support laws which protect our environment and improve the quality of people’s lives.