League of Conservation Voters Releases National Environmental Scorecard For New Jersey Delegation

Contact: Michelle Peal 

O: (908) 313-4178 
C: (732) 991-7574


League of Conservation Voters Releases National Environmental Scorecard For New Jersey Delegation


Trenton – New Jersey LCV released the New Jersey congressional delegation’s scores for the League of Conservation Voters’ 2023 National Environmental Scorecard highlighting how some members chose to champion the environment and protect our democracy, while others failed to do so. Since 1970, LCV’s Scorecard has been the primary yardstick for evaluating the environmental records of members of Congress. It is available for download, English and Spanish and online in both languages at scorecard.lcv.org. 


The 2023 Scorecard shows the stark contrast between pro-environmental members of Congress and extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress. This year, many in our state’s delegation like Senator Cory Booker and Representatives Bonnie Watson Coleman, Josh Gottheimer, Andy Kim, Donald Norcross, Rob Menendez, Frank Pallone, Donald Payne Jr., and Mikie Sherrill all have LCV scores of 100%. They worked to fight back against attacks on our democracy and environmental protections unleashed by a chaotic, MAGA Republican-led House that took hundreds of dangerous votes to cater to Big Polluters and the most extreme wing of their conference. 


This was a dramatic change from 2022, when climate champions led both the House and Senate, passing the most significant climate and clean energy investments in American history. While some in our state’s delegation continued to champion legislation to benefit people and the planet, unfortunately others actively worked against it. This type of Congressional gridlock and chaos led by extremists resulted in  one of the least productive Congress ever.


“The New Jersey Congressional delegation has an average LCV score of 81%. All New Jerseyans should be proud to have leaders who stand up against Big Polluters and attacks on our environment. Despite the gridlock and chaos in Congress today, we know that the majority of our Congressional delegation is working every day to protect our air and water, build an equitable clean energy future, and preserve our democracy,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “Unfortunately, those like Representative Jeff Van Drew, with a score of 3%, continue to use their votes to cater to Big Polluters and right-wing extremists. Here at home, we must hold our elected officials accountable for putting polluters over our communities while still thanking our environmental champions for holding the line for us in Congress.”


“Following the most productive Congress in history for climate action, 2023 was not only the hottest year on record, it was one of the least productive legislative years ever because of MAGA House Republicans’ extreme leadership,” said LCV Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld. “The last Congress showed that transformational change that works for both our communities and our planet is possible when our elected leaders come together to pass meaningful legislation that will tackle the climate crisis and environmental injustice. In 2023, the near record number of House votes included underscores that the new House Republican majority did the bidding of Big Polluters and sought to undo the Biden-Harris administration’s historic leadership on climate change. We appreciate our allies in the House who consistently opposed these attacks and, thanks to champions in the Senate and the President’s steadfast leadership, these attempts to undermine the historic affordable clean energy plan were unsuccessful.”

The devastating wildfires, extreme storms and temperatures, and catastrophic floods that continue to affect our communities required an all-of-government approach that many in Congress helped deliver, despite relentless attempts by the fossil fuel industry and other entrenched interests to put their profits over New Jersey.  


The 2023 Scorecard includes 36 votes in the House several of which were messaging amendments offered on major funding bills. The Senate in contrast approved 69 lifetime federal judges with exceptional environmental records.


The following is 2023 New Jersey Congressional delegation scores:




Robert Menendez


Cory Booker


Bonnie Watson Coleman


Josh Gottheimer


Tom Kean


Andy Kim


Donald Norcross


Rob Menendez 


Frank Pallone


Bill Pascrell


Donald Payne Jr.


Mikie Sherrill


Chris Smith


Jeff Van Drew



For the second year, the 2023 Scorecard also highlights the leadership of the Tri-Caucus, including the history-making election of House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries as the first member of the Tri-Caucus elected to lead either chamber. Leadership of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), and Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC). These champions led and supported many of the climate, conservation, environmental justice, and equitable democracy bills and initiatives in 2023, in addition to helping to educate constituents and connect communities to the transformational investments within the affordable clean energy plan.



LCV has published a National Environmental Scorecard every Congress since 1970. The Scorecard represents the consensus of experts from more than 20 respected environmental and conservation organizations who selected the key votes on which members of Congress should be scored. LCV scores votes on the most important issues of the year, including energy, climate change, environmental justice, public health, public lands and wildlife conservation, democracy, and spending for environmental programs. The votes included in the Scorecard presented members of Congress with a real choice and help distinguish which legislators are working for environmental protection. More information on individual votes and the Scorecard archive can be found at scorecard.lcv.org.